8 Best Practices for Fall Aeration in Ohio to Revitalize Your Lawn

Achieving a lush, green lawn is simpler than you think with the powerful combination of aeration and overseeding. At Portage Turf Specialists, we’ve mastered these techniques to ensure your lawn is healthy and vibrant year-round.

Aeration creates small holes in the soil to improve air, water, and nutrient flow to grass roots, enhancing root development, nutrient uptake, and reducing thatch. This results in a stronger, more resilient lawn.

Overseeding involves spreading grass seed over the aerated lawn to fill in bare spots and thicken the turf. Our premium overseeding uses up to 60% more seed and top-quality blends, ensuring a denser, greener lawn.

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large brick house in fall with plush green lawn

Aeration and Overseeding: Enhancing The Outdoor Experience

Achieving a lush, green lawn is simpler than you think with the powerful combination of aeration and overseeding. At Portage Turf Specialists, we’ve mastered these techniques to ensure your lawn is healthy and vibrant year-round.

Aeration creates small holes in the soil to improve air, water, and nutrient flow to grass roots, enhancing root development, nutrient uptake, and reducing thatch. This results in a stronger, more resilient lawn.

Overseeding involves spreading grass seed over the aerated lawn to fill in bare spots and thicken the turf. Our premium overseeding uses up to 60% more seed and top-quality blends, ensuring a denser, greener lawn.

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Best Practices for Summer Lawn Care in Ohio 

Chinch bugs can wreak havoc on your lawn, turning lush green grass into unsightly patches of yellow and brown. At Portage Turf Specialists, we understand the importance of swift and effective treatment to protect your lawn from these destructive pests.

Chinch bugs thrive in hot, dry conditions, feeding on the sap of your turfgrass and causing significant damage. Identifying an infestation involves looking for tiny black bugs with white markings and irregular patches of damaged grass. To combat these pests, start by deep watering and applying a targeted insecticide. For a more comprehensive solution, trust Portage Turf’s lawn insect protection services to ensure thorough control.

After treatment, focus on recovery by reseeding, fertilizing, and aerating your lawn. With consistent care, your lawn can bounce back stronger and more resilient.

For professional assistance in managing chinch bugs and maintaining a beautiful lawn, contact Portage Turf Specialists today. Let us help you achieve a vibrant, pest-free landscape.

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Severe Chinch Damage On A Lawn

What Are Chinch Bugs And Damage To Look For

Chinch bugs can wreak havoc on your lawn, turning lush green grass into unsightly patches of yellow and brown. At Portage Turf Specialists, we understand the importance of swift and effective treatment to protect your lawn from these destructive pests.

Chinch bugs thrive in hot, dry conditions, feeding on the sap of your turfgrass and causing significant damage. Identifying an infestation involves looking for tiny black bugs with white markings and irregular patches of damaged grass. To combat these pests, start by deep watering and applying a targeted insecticide. For a more comprehensive solution, trust Portage Turf’s lawn insect protection services to ensure thorough control.

After treatment, focus on recovery by reseeding, fertilizing, and aerating your lawn. With consistent care, your lawn can bounce back stronger and more resilient.

For professional assistance in managing chinch bugs and maintaining a beautiful lawn, contact Portage Turf Specialists today. Let us help you achieve a vibrant, pest-free landscape.

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Random Tree

How Can Deep Root Injections Help With My Trees?

Tree root injections are a highly effective method for maintaining and enhancing the health of your trees. This specialized treatment involves injecting nutrients and essential substances directly into the root zone, ensuring that they are absorbed efficiently and utilized where they are most needed. Here are some key benefits of tree root injections

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Image of Dry Lawn

How To Manage your Lawn In Times Of Heat

Maintaining a lush, green lawn during periods of drought and heat stress can be particularly challenging for cool-season turfgrasses like Kentucky bluegrass, fescue, and ryegrass. These grasses thrive in cooler temperatures and can struggle when exposed to prolonged heat and dry conditions. Proper watering and mowing practices are crucial to help your lawn survive and thrive through tough times.

Water your lawn deeply and infrequently, aiming for about 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week, including rainfall. Early morning watering is ideal to reduce evaporation and minimize disease risk. Adjust your mowing practices by setting mower blades higher and mowing less frequently to reduce stress on the grass.

Understanding the signs of heat stress, disease, and insect infestations is also essential for effective lawn care. By following these tips and closely monitoring your lawn’s health, you can maintain a healthy, resilient lawn even in the harshest summer conditions.

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Heavily Wooded Lawn

What Can Lime Do For You!

Is your lawn feeling a bit off-balance? Lime treatment might be just what it needs! Applying lime can improve soil health, ensuring your plants have the best environment to grow. Here’s why lime treatment is beneficial:

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Frost Seeding Image

The Magic Of Frost Seeding

Looking to improve your heavily shaded lawn? Frost seeding is an efficient and cost-effective method to introduce naturally thicken your lawn in areas that need the most help Here’s why you should consider it:

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Mulch Bed Control

The Key to Beautiful Mulch Beds: Preemergent Weed Control A beautiful garden or landscape is a sight to behold, and one of the essential aspects

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