As a homeowner, you take pride in keeping your home in good working condition for your family and the community. One part of being a responsible citizen is understanding the chemicals you use to treat your lawn. Many of us eat organic foods for personal well-being, but have you ever considered organic lawn treatments to protect mother nature? At Portage Turf Specialists LLC, protecting plant life is our joy and duty. We are proud to offer our friends and neighbors throughout Kent, Aurora, Hudson, Auburn, and nearby Ohio areas with organic lawn care options.
Certified Organic Lawn Care Program
Lessen your lawn’s impact on the planet with lawn care treatments using a 100% Organic Material Reviews Institute Certified organic lawn care program. Our process ensures environmental safety while giving you a lush, green lawn throughout the spring and summer seasons.
4 Steps to Green with Our Organic Lawn Care Program
1. Soil Testing
For optimal effects, we begin our organic program by performing a soil composition analysis. Testing a sample of your lawn’s soil tells the exact treatment methods needed for success.
2. Customizable Treatment
Using the soil test results, we customize our treatment to optimize root strength according to the lawn’s specific nature. This method is individualized to your property’s soil composition and environmental influences.
3. Applications
Using our customized formulation for fertilization, soil and grass health and integrity are strengthened for a beautiful yard long term. Regular feeding with organic fertilizers ensures the soil food web below our feet will thrive and resist disease and drought damage naturally through healthier, better-rooted plants. If weed pressure reaches a threshold we can apply targeted spot treatments to problem areas with your approval using a chemical liquid weed control which is cost-effective and site-specific. We prefer to do chemical weed control in the fall as it is the most effective time of year for controlling broadleaf weeds such as dandelions. Typically in mid-November the lawn is seeing much less use than peak summer lawn use periods between Memorial Day and Labor day
4. Aeration and Seeding
Aeration allows oxygen and nutrients to reach the roots, encouraging growth and loosening hard compacted soils. Yearly Seeding of bare spots in your lawn is the best defense against many invasive weeds such as crabgrass, dandelions, and ground ivy. Having bare spots in your lawn opens the door for these nasty broadleaf weeds to take a foothold and ruin your once beautiful lawn.
Go green this year using organic lawn care treatments. What’s best for mother nature is also what’s best for your family, community, and budget. Going green is not for everybody, which is why we treat the bulk of our clients with a hybrid organic-based program that reduces chemical and nutrient outputs by over 40%, yet maintains the lawn with weed control throughout the season on an as-needed basis. Contact the lawn care experts at Portage Turf Specialists to custom build a green lawn care program for you to achieve a beautiful, emerald green lawn at (330) 296-8873.