Synthetic chemical-based treatments may give a lawn a vibrant green color, but these chemicals have the potential to severely damage that lawn’s well-being. That’s why our professionals at Portage Turf Specialists LLC target the soil and roots with 100% organic fertilization and weed treatments.
The overuse of chemical or inorganic fertilizers and pesticides has serious consequences. Many of these chemical-based products use material fillers that have heavy metals which can cause cancer. (One study of synthetic fertilizers showed that of the 29 tested, 22 contained these toxic heavy metals.) Inorganic fertilizer can also contain iron, which can be harmful to pets.
And if a lawn is located anywhere near a body of water, synthetic chemicals from lawn-care treatments can cause toxic run-off that makes its way into the waterways—causing algae blooms that grow so large that the waterways become impassable. Once the algae dies, it sinks and decomposes, which removes oxygen from the water. This results in fish, frogs, and other water species dying. Or, the pesticide toxic run-off poisons the water species, including fish, which humans eat. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, Americans use 75 million pounds of pesticides each year.
Chemical fertilizers poison our waters, our soil, our animals, and our own bodies. The fact that healthy and potentially more effective organic alternatives exist is incredible, but more people should take advantage of it.
At Portage Turf, we apply slow-release, organic lawn-care treatments, and even then only where treatment is needed. That means that sometimes we use less than an ounce of fertilizer overall. Lessening our environmental impact is very important to us. We provide naturally better lawn care to the communities of Kent, Ravenna, Aurora, and Hudson, OH, and we proudly offer a certified organic lawn-care program to make your lawn a little more “green”. Contact us at (330) 296-8873 to learn more, or schedule a free lawn analysis with us!