High Mosquito Populations- Getting the Control You Need in Your Back Yard
Northeast Ohio is getting a beautiful start to summer with perfect temperatures and plenty of rain every few days. Lawn and landscapes are looking fabulous so far, making us very proud of our lawns as we entertain guests this summer.
While the lack of drought is welcomed as we attend and host summer events, there is a downfall to all the rain: High Mosquito Populations.
We at Portage Turf Specialists want you, our customers and neighbors, to know what you can do to reduce the mosquito population in your lawns this summer. West Nile, Zika, and other dangerous diseases are spread by mosquitoes and many people have allergic reactions to their bites. Take our advice and protect yourself so you can enjoy your home’s outdoor living spaces more all summer.
Non-Chemical Mosquito Reduction
The most important thing homeowners can do to reduce mosquito activity is eliminate standing water on their property. Some female mosquitoes can produce hundreds of mosquitoes in just 3 days after one blood meal. They lay their eggs in water, as little as a tablespoon, so reducing breeding sites is essential. Look for these standing water sources on your property, just to name a few:
- Cans, cups, toys, tires, buckets, outdoor trash cans and other containers that may hold water
- Grill and vehicle covers
- Clogged gutters or poorly draining roof tops
- Bird baths need to changed at least once a week
- Kiddie pools
- Uncovered cisterns, cesspools and septic tanks
- Poorly draining areas of the lawn like ditches and low spots in the lawn
- Lawn and landscape irrigation systems should not be creating stagnant water
- Flower pots
- Hollow trees or old tree stumps
Responsible Insecticide Applications
While the removal of standing water will reduce mosquito populations, we have little control over nearby mosquito breeding sites like swamps, ponds, and standing water on adjacent properties. Some mosquitoes will travel up to a mile for a meal so extra precaution should be taken if you want good mosquito control. Proper insecticide applications for mosquitoes include the treatment of the lawn, landscaping, and wood lines with a product that will kill these vicious biters where they land to rest. Mosquitoes are poor fliers in general and rest often while looking for a host. Tree canopies, landscaping bushes, flower pots, and gutters should not be missed during a proper application. As an added bonus the product we use here as Portage Turf for mosquito control also controls fleas and ticks and may deter insects from entering your home!