Best Practices for Summer Lawn Care in Ohio 

Chinch bugs can wreak havoc on your lawn, turning lush green grass into unsightly patches of yellow and brown. At Portage Turf Specialists, we understand the importance of swift and effective treatment to protect your lawn from these destructive pests.

Chinch bugs thrive in hot, dry conditions, feeding on the sap of your turfgrass and causing significant damage. Identifying an infestation involves looking for tiny black bugs with white markings and irregular patches of damaged grass. To combat these pests, start by deep watering and applying a targeted insecticide. For a more comprehensive solution, trust Portage Turf’s lawn insect protection services to ensure thorough control.

After treatment, focus on recovery by reseeding, fertilizing, and aerating your lawn. With consistent care, your lawn can bounce back stronger and more resilient.

For professional assistance in managing chinch bugs and maintaining a beautiful lawn, contact Portage Turf Specialists today. Let us help you achieve a vibrant, pest-free landscape.

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Severe Chinch Damage On A Lawn

What Are Chinch Bugs And Damage To Look For

Chinch bugs can wreak havoc on your lawn, turning lush green grass into unsightly patches of yellow and brown. At Portage Turf Specialists, we understand the importance of swift and effective treatment to protect your lawn from these destructive pests.

Chinch bugs thrive in hot, dry conditions, feeding on the sap of your turfgrass and causing significant damage. Identifying an infestation involves looking for tiny black bugs with white markings and irregular patches of damaged grass. To combat these pests, start by deep watering and applying a targeted insecticide. For a more comprehensive solution, trust Portage Turf’s lawn insect protection services to ensure thorough control.

After treatment, focus on recovery by reseeding, fertilizing, and aerating your lawn. With consistent care, your lawn can bounce back stronger and more resilient.

For professional assistance in managing chinch bugs and maintaining a beautiful lawn, contact Portage Turf Specialists today. Let us help you achieve a vibrant, pest-free landscape.

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Common Harmful Ohio Insects

In Ohio, it’s very common for harmful insects to reside in trees and shrubs and therefore be completely overlooked until it’s too late. If you aren’t paying attention, your

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Green lawn by the water taken by Portage Turf

Cicadas Return to Ohio

If you live in Northeast Ohio then you’ve probably heard the 17-year periodic cicadas singing loudly in the trees over the past few weeks. Major

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Mole Control

If you are experiencing soft tunnels throughout your lawn and dirt piles from burrowing moles, you are not alone! Last year’s wet summer and soft soils

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